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El Teatro Real presenta una nueva producción de Boris Godunov
Por Publicado el: 26/09/2012Categorías: En la prensa

Delnon and Nagano lead the Hamburg State Opera and Philharmonic Orchestra from 2015

Delnon and Nagano lead the Hamburg State Opera and Philharmonic Orchestra from 2015


The board of the Hamburg State Opera decided today to appoint a new artistic leadership. George Delnon will become new Intendant and member of the board and Kent Nagano will become Principal Musical Director (Generalmusikdirektor) and Principal Conductor (Chefdirigent). Furthermore, Kent Nagano will lead the Hamburg Philharmonic State Opera together with Georges Delnon as the Intendant. Both have signed their contracts today following the board meeting. The contracts run until 2020.


Kultursenatorin Prof. Barbara Kisseler sees the Hamburg State Opera strengthened for the future: “With the coming divided management structure with an Intendant and a Principal Musical Director we have created the conditions for the Hamburg State Opera and the Hamburg Philharmonics to expand their international reputation considerably. I have known and valued Kent Nagano’s and George Delnon’s work for a long time and I am delighted that we could win them over to the further development of the music city of Hamburg. Both of them bring the necessary experience as a strong team to develop the orchestra and opera also in the international comparison.”


The future Intendant George Delnon: „Hamburg is for me a wonderful and great challenge. It is a vital, immensly exciting and future-oriented city; respectively the State Opera and the Philharmonic Orchestra shall radiate internationally. For me it is an honour and pleasure to approach this important task together with Kent Nagano.”


The future Principal Musical Director Kent Nagano: “The Hamburg State Opera and its Philharmonic Orchestra have a long and prestigious history. It is an honour and pleasure to have been invited to become a part of Hamburg’s important opera and concert tradition and to shape the musical future of this city.”


calendario operístico 2023