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Fallece Fuat Mansurov, “El Karajan Ruso”
Alessandro, HWV 21 de G.F. Handel con Eduardo López Banzo y Al Ayre Español
Por Publicado el: 10/06/2010Categorías: En la prensa

Presentación del Proyecto “Viva Europa”

VIVA EUROPA 2010 JUNE 18TH is a mid-year cultural flagship event of the 2010 European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.
The aim of the project is to share a European experience offering a live transmission on large screens -from Palau de les Arts Reina Sofia in Valencia (on June 18th 2010 at 20 h local time in Valencia, Spain; GMT+2)- of Georges Bizet´s opera Carmen, to all European cities involved in the project.
This European cultural summer evening -in a festive intergenerational and intercultural atmosphere- will make possible to “think Europe” and to “feel Europe”, promoting the European conviction through a relevant cultural form of expression with a profound European tradition such as opera, by simultaneously offering a live transmission to be enjoyed by European citizens.
VIVA EUROPA JUNE 18TH takes place under the patronage of Mr. László Andor, European Commisioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion.
The role of Carmen has its origins in European literature and music and has become a universal myth. Bizet´s opera transmits all these emotions portrayed in European traditional culture.
Palau de les Arts Reina Sofía (Valencia) and Maggio Musicale Firorentino (Firenze) are responsible for this production as part of the III Festival del Mediterráneo. A cast of the highest artistic standards, led by Elina Garanca and Marcelo Alvarez, participate in this production of Carmen, directed by the prestigious filmmaker Carlos Saura, together with the magnificent Orquestra de la Comunitat Valenciana conducted by maestro Zubin Mehta and the Cor de la Generalitat Valenciana.

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